Home insurance is a multi-risk scheme that groups different types of coverage. There are some that are essential and that usually all the companies offer with the basic package. But there are others that are of free choice, so it is important to know what are the risks to protect to hire them.

At ERSM we have good packages of basic and other optional coverage offered by the main insurance companies in the market to insure any type of home. With home insurance we will protect the material property of the house, the personal belongings of the occupants and the damage that the children or any person living in the building may cause to a third party.

About the bicycle insurance

Bicycle insurance is a non compulsory insurance for cyclists who seek protection against a risk of driving through the city, road or mountain. The insurance covers all types of bicycles, from riding, racing, mountanbike to electric.

Home insurance must cover material damage to the home, such as damage caused by water, broken glass, damage caused by fire, explosion or damage caused by atmospheric events; also damage caused by electrical short circuits, of various breakdowns or thefts.

Other claims that must also be covered are those of civil liability arising from damage or injury that may be caused to other persons or their property from the insured person’s home, such as falling objects from windows or balconies, leave a tap open that floods a lower floor, etc. Then the civil liability covers the reparations and compensation that the insured has to pay to other people for the damages caused to them.

In addition, civil liability also covers such accidents caused by insured persons outside the home. If you have a bicycle collision and cause injury to a pedestrian, the insurance will cover that damage. Or if the pet that lives in the home causes any damage, it will also be covered.

To make a detailed budget tailored to your needs, it is best to go to an insurance broker, such as RSM. Our obligation is to provide you with a comparison of several offers with the advantages and disadvantages in each case.

The main basic coverages:

  • Civil liability
  • Legal defense
  • Travel assistance including curing costs
  • Medical counseling by phone
  • And other coverings

*Basic coverage may vary depending on the insurance company.

Optional coverage

To the basic coverage you can add one or two packages, Personal Injury and Material Damage, which you will find below:

Personal damage:

  • Accidental death
  • Permanent disability
  • Compensation 20€/day hospitalized
  • Compensation max. of 4,500€ for medical expenses

Damage to Property:

  • Repairs of bicycle damage
  • Bicycle theft (both at home and on the street)

*Optional coverage may vary depending on the insurance company.